He was on 50.140 for about an hour and a half this afternoon.

I think it was just a staff person who happened to discover that 6
meters was open, and then created a huge pile up.

Nothing was said about him being there any other time over the

It was the actual W1AW station in Newington, not a portable operating
from elsewhere.

If you want to get on 6 meters, a dipole is only just over 9 feet
long. And for E skip conditions, the antenna doesn't need to be
very high.

You could easily build one from wire, or from almost any scrapped 
television or CB antenna aluminum.

My first 6 meter contacts, which were made with a 15 watt (input) 
Knight kit
AM rig, were made using a dipole that was
only 15 feet above ground. I later switched to a borrowed 3 element
beam that was installed in the same place, and worked 35 states with 
that arrangement.