Subject: Re: Whole Health Source: The Carbo =Other factors
From: william <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2011 22:23

>On 08/15/2011 09:37 PM, Neil Timms wrote:
>> Well I know that Chocolate is not Paleo but I use 100% Francois
>> Pralus chocolate to feed my addiction:-)
>Curses, foiled again. I was hoping to find a chocolate that contains no 
>evil soy lecithin.
>According to J. Tennant, soy is bad for the endocrine system.

I have good news for you, William. My main source of chocolate is cacao beans. No soy in them! You can buy them over the internet; however all the organic health food shops in my city stock them as a regular line.
