Hi Fred,

Kenwood or Icom doesn't make an ht with a synthesizer.  However in terms of
accessible hts you may want to consider the Kenwood TH-F6A.  Even though the
radio doesn't have speech output the rig is accessible.  A totally blind
person can program frequency, offset, dcs/ctcss, and other features.  The
menus rap but Kenwood has provided beeps at specific points when you scroll
through them.  Other functions on the rig are indicated by the amount of key
presses and by different frequency beeps.  I saw the rig on sale for as low
as $285 at this year's Dayton hamvension.  I have been a happy TH-F6A owner
since shortly after the rig hit the market in 2001.

Dave Marthouse N2AAM
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