
You have a heart filled with lots and lots of love for God and for others.

Your heart is made out of love.

Keep writing.


Pat Ferguson

At 07:36 PM 2/28/2011, you wrote:
>The New Living translation of Proverbs 27,19 caught my attention today.
>Proverbs 27,19 "As a face is reflected in water, so the heart 
>reflects the real person."<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = 
>"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
>             What does my heart say about me?  I can say the right 
> things around others; I can quote the verses saying I trust God 
> with my life, but, what does my heart say?  No one can see my 
> heart.  No one knows that in spite of knowing the verses, singing 
> the songs, I often worry.  I believe in God, believe He has a plan 
> for my life and yet my heart would say otherwise.  I have within my 
> heart a personal dictionary that has been corrupted by the world in 
> which I live, the things I've experienced.  When I am worried, when 
> I am afraid, when I feel I can never do anything that will matter 
> it is obvious which dictionary I am reading.
>God, I want my heart to reflect what I know to be true.  I don't 
>just want to quote the verses, sing the songs, I want their truths 
>to be foundational in my heart.  I want so to trust you with my 
>life, with all my fears, with all my past failures and hurts.  My 
>dictionary says that if you trust someone, if you let them in to 
>your inner soul, if you let them see your true heart, they will 
>betray you.  Change my definition of trustworthy.  Help your 
>definition of trust become real to me as I live my daily life.  The 
>news reminds me we live in a fallen world full of evil, wars, crime 
>and pain.  I want to trust that someone greater, stronger, and wiser 
>than I is in control.  I want my heart to reflect who I am because 
>of your love.
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