I remember reading in Braille Technical Press about how to make 
Braille dials using a stylus tied to a string, the other end of which 
was anchored to the center of a piece of plastic such as a coffee can 

My attempts at creating them were pretty disastrous, even after Fred 
Gassoni reminded me of the technique during a visit to Jackson about 
20 years ago.

I forget who made those dials for the Drakes. I saw one T4X that had 
been fitted with them, and it was amazing to be able to read the 
analogue dials as good as any other ham.

I also once saw a Heath HW16 that a guy had modified with a Braille 
dial for his wife. They were trying to sell it after she had upgraded 
to General, and did their best to persuade me to buy it. I did not, 
because I had already spent my radio budget. I don't know whatever 
became of that rig, and I have always wished I had gone ahead and 
bought it. Now, of course, I need an HW16, or any other additional rig 
for that matter, like I need another hole in my head!

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs