>Subject: Jan Kwasniewski - Optimal diet
>From: Keith Thomas <[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 21:40:37 -0400
>Does anyone have any direct knowledge of Jan Kwasniewski's 
>"Optimal Diet"?
>It appears to be similar to the "Nourishing Traditions" approach 
>to food and cooking of the Weston Price Foundation and also to 
>Barry Groves' approach. I was hoping to buy Kwasniewski's 
>book, but his publisher (the only source) makes it rather difficult 
>and risky to obtain.

One member of this list e-mailed me directly to alert me to a couple of copies available secondhand on Amazon. I snapped one up within a couple of minutes.

Others have provided their theoretical analyses and Adrienne wrote:

>Many find success with this plan but 
>those I've read who have posted do it 
>using dairy -- especially large amounts 
>of cream and butter.

How is success defined? Longevity? Reduced morbidity? Increased well-being?
