
Since Buddy brought this HT to our attention, I bought one about a
month ago, and I really like it.

You have to get used to some things such as the plus or minus offset
not being automatic when you move from a 146.x to a 147.x repeater
channel, but, that's the way it was for years anyway for those of us
who have been around awhile.

I know that two others have been bought by blind hams in my area
within the past 2 weeks. And I know of at least one other of these
rigs that will be at the ACB convention in Phoenix next week.

Buddy's "eyes-free" documentation is a work in progress, but it is
already at a point where you can do just about anything you want to do
with the radio by reading and following it.

Mike Duke, K5XU
ACB Radio Amateurs