This is way too close to an experience I had more than more than 20 years ago, in which a consultant (mechanical engineer by training-what the hell was he doing writing masonry restoration specs?), demanded that the newly placed repointing mortar be removed due to poor color match. When the approved color samples were dragged out to the job to demonstrate that the mortar color in the wall was the mortar color he approved, his response was :

"I couldn't possibly have approved that color - I HATE that color". He got his new mortar color and 20 years later the building still looks like crap, because he approved replacement brick colors that didn't match, which was the problem in the first place.

Mike E

> <<<After burrowing into the walls to extract layers of old paint, he chose the color of one of the layers, which he calls “sea thistle.”   “I said to the board, ‘This is the original color, ’ ” he recalled, “and they said, ‘How do you know?’ and I said, ‘Because I like it.’ ”

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