Hi Robin,
If your immune system is sensitized to milk proteins you may be mounting 
an immune reaction without being aware of it. There are several apparent 
health benefits that, on closer inspection, may be detrimental. For 
instance, the calcium in milk is highly bio-available. On the other 
hand, the calcium overwhelms the active transport capacity that moves 
minerals from the lumen to the bloodstream. The net result is a shortage 
of other minerals. Dairy is often recommended to women as a preventive 
measure for bone density issues but iron storage often suffers as a 
result of such recommendations.

I'd like to suggest that you try strictly avoiding dairy for several 
weeks. If you then find yourself reacting to the dairy, you will know 
that it has long posed a health problem to you that had been masked by 
what Hans Selye called "adaptation" . It might also be useful and 
interesting to check your status of other minerals, especially iron 
stores and zinc.

Best Wishes,

