Hello my friends,

As many of you know, I spent many months over a ten year period in Haiti.
The current devastation is difficult to watch, but is more a horrible
continuation of bad luck and neglect.

The Hospital Albert Schweitzer in Haiti is well outside of Port au Prince
and was not destroyed or damaged.  But as people pour out of the capital to
safer ground and for help, the demands on the hospital are overwhelming. So
that's where we can help: Any money we can send them will be efficiently
used for medicines, supplies and services.  I have been there several times,
and done work for the foundation, as has my brother Corbett.  My mother and
step father did volunteer work there some years back, as have many friends
and associates.  To send money to the country and interior areas may be the
most effective use of funds at this time.


Dying young is the way of life in Haiti.  The two children, I supported for
years, are both dead, but well before the hurricanes of last year and this
recent catastrophe.  Please send money, whatever amount, and try to make it
something you do every year. 


Here is the website for the hospital. 


http://www.hashaiti.org/  and  the blog for daily updates is


Checks can be sent to: Hopital Albert Schweitzer Haiti, P.O. Box 81046,
Pittsburgh, PA 15217,

where funds can be put to work immediately.


I abhor solicitations, but please, do not wait, put a check in an envelope


Thank you,



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