I am not interested in NADD,this was the organisation that exposed the opportunism of Gambian politicians. Now much of what we know about  the crisis within the  NADD  was that there was power struggle,  who will be the flag bearer. If there was much interest in defeating Jammeh, such should have been a formality and northing else, not even a detail discussion. Daboe should be the Flag bearer period, his party was the largest and still the biggest both in parliament and outside. If  other political parties doubted this why did they not suggest a local elections and ask  the Gambian People(their voters) who they want to be their  Presidential  candidate. All these were not happening but instead they caged themselves  in absorbed formalities, confusing and fooling us who were mobilising support,funds and other resources, making us to believe that there were other fundamental questions that needed to be resolved. Now we know that it was  their own political desires to become the next " his excellence" rapped up in every colour of "divine purity" that caged them. I would not have been shocked or surprised if what breaks up NADD was the question "what  will happen after the elections ?" For all political parties involved have the right to voice out their expectations as to what should happen after the election.

Never ever has there been a challenge to the powers of  professor Jammeh as we have recently seen by the defiance rally held by the UDP ,these are new times and a new reality.

Some few months ago ,whiles visiting the Gambia, in a discussion with a friend, a UDP militant, he explained to me that they met with the newly appointed Inspector  general and very clearly informed him that with or without approving their next application to hold  a political rally, they will go ahead with the rally. Honestly I did not  take that discussions seriously, for me this was just another UDP rattling, they will never ever dare challenge the powers and authority of the Dear  Leader. I was wrong, they did it, and it now need some reflections from some of us who never supported the UDP.

Perhaps I was having the April 10/ 11 in mine of which I was a witness to, when defenceless students were brutally gunned down by matured men. But the fact is that, the struggle to end Jammehs rule has reached another stage which must be exploited to the maximum. The torture that many activist were subjected to, the illegal arrest and detentions of political activist, the dead of KC and the murder of Dyda, the on slaughter on   journalist, the demonstrations in New York, London, Washington, Oslo etc, the tireless voices of the opposition in the International, the collection of signatures and contacts with different authorities in the US and UK, known and unknown, and many other forms of  exposing the brutality of the jammeh regime has now bear fruits and it is this that the UDP timely read and reacted to,I have no choice but to credit them for this brave move. They have demystify the powers, the African magic  of our Dear Leader .Now the UDP must take a responsible leadership ,take us to the logical conclusions of this march, to a new level.(I am not discussing anything with regards to my political opinion as to  the capabilities of the UDP in bringing about a meaningful change in the lives of the Gambian People)

The UDP  promised to continue to defy the powers of the state(APRC in this case) that continues to unlawfully deny them the right to hold political meetings, if they seriously mean it, then all the other political parties should  do the same. They should mobilise their supporters and  apply for a permit to hold rallies and if they  are deny on no genuine grounds, they should  go ahead. This will be a form of solidarity with the UDP and a challenge to the authorities  to recognise and respect the rights of  free people, a basic human right. The corned and weaken APRC is on the defensive, the court case against Femi Petters is a sign. They knew that this meeting was going to go ahead, they did not bring the military in the street to intimidate and or  gun down the people  as they did to the students. If they UDP is planning another  political rally, if the authorities deny them a permit to hold the rally and they decide to go ahead with it,they should invite the political leaders of all the other oppositions parties to come and speak in the rally.

I have my doubts if that will happen, they will be allow to hold the meeting ,but we also know that  the APRC regime loves adventures and the Brave Dear Leader who some time back promised to wipe out on the face of the Earth and un named country, if that country mess with him, must be full of confidence to face the whole world and plus the Gambian masses.

 If little UDP can defy his powers ,if  he is wise enough or having good advices, it is now time for him to reassess his rhetoric. If barely a 6 months will not pass without  news of a certain military high ranking official  been arrested or sacked, the very people who will be leading his war or on slaughter, as a trained military officer, he should know that his military power base is very weak.

Will  the other political parties join the UDP in this new stage of  political development in the country ? they should be able to do so by dropping their ego, their ambition of becoming the next "His Excellence", which is more of dream than a reality at this moment of the political situation in the country. It is with this reality that we should confront the parties we support and demand that they act, if our immediate political interest is to see the back of the APRC regime and bring sanity to the country. They should mobilise their members to attend the next court case of Femi Petters, they should release statements of solidarity with the UDP and promise the Authorities that they too will use the same method if ever they are deny permit to hold political rallies.  My  opinion, anything less will be another political rambling towards the next elections.


For Freedom



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