<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

First, I want to thank everyone who answered the preliminary survey I posted a week or so ago. I've 
revised & refined the questions on the basis of those responses, and am ready to start collecting
data for my project. As I noted when I posted the initial survey, I'm taking a statistics class
which requires that I collect and analyze data. Celiac and the gf diet being something I know very
well, I decided to do a celiac-related survey. I hope the information I gather will be useful to
people on the list.

The survey can be accessed at <http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=oBWYJZNX2vLmKHbrhXql9A_3d_3d>. If the link leads you to the main page for SurveyMonkey, please wait a bit and try again. It seems that if too many people try to access the survey at one time, it defaults to the home page instead. If you find you still can't access it, please let me know so I can check the link.
Thank you all again for your assistance with this project.

Joe Ellison
Chicago, IL
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