The multiple suggestions in favor of Thunderbird over I-Net Explorer (do I have those right?) are quite persuasive.  I may, however, gotten myself into such a horrendous mess that some rash move is required--

I'm on far too many mailing lists.  Great quantities of mail arrive (not all spam).  Over a long, long period, I've allowed far too  much to pile up in tine inbox.  From time to time, I cull -- but far too little is removed.  And I haven't established a rational system for classifying and storing.  From time to time, I've determined that "I'll want to get at that one more carefully, but later.  There isn't time right now."  And I've sometimes flagged the message, sometimes marked it to "appear unread" (thus to show up bold in the list).

Plainly dumb.

The question:  If I try to shift to the new system, will I thereby lose access to all that old traffic?  Must I seek some way to move it all to a CD somehow?  Or am I called on simply to dump it all and start with a new person?  Any compassionate suggestions?         ---ed

Ed Nelson (from Chicago's southmost suburbs)
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