[In a message dated 6/2/2009 2:03:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:
Haruna you are well aware of the fact that this is an English  language
forum not french; or should I say must
of the subscribers here are not that educated in french language as  you
might be.] Mams.

Mams, who told you Ellen was an English language forum???? Heck  its not
even a Gambian forum.
We place emphasis on things Gambian but Gambian by definition is not  just
English. Do you not agree?
And that is why I think JDAM gets bantanbilly about my on-again  off-again
celebration of ATT, Mali, Dadis,
La-Guinea, Austria, Germany, Japan, Burkina Faso, Nkurunziza, Karim,
Jabou, Halifa, Kukeh, Ginny, Rajoelina,
Dicko, The Netherlands, Bouteflika, Senegal, Karim Wade, Obama, The
Olfactor, Evian, Caesar, Cherno/Jados,
Ousainou, Laye, Suntou, Ginny, Jaybarteh, CamaraLaye,  LTT, Bluegrass and
Padukah, for no good reason.

And how do you know most on Ellen are not educated in the French  language?
How do we know you didn't cut
French class in Suomi? And if you did not learn French then, why  would
that make you hate Sarkozy?
When you have the opportunity now, should you not be helping me learn
French? What is wrong with you?
I tried to ignore your kidnapping of Ginny but you are pushing me to  ask
you to prove she is safe and secure
with you in SUomi? That is what the warrant would be for. Not to  locate
her but that she is well and good
whereever she might be. So telling us she freely migrated because she
might be disowned wont cut it. I think
you're counting on Ginny not coming here to defend herself against  your
spurrious allegations. If I know Ginny,
I wouldn't find comfort in that supposition. No one can hold her  down.
Especially from defending herself. And
the lady told you she will retire from Gambian issues, not Ellen.  Unless
of course she too is equating Ellen
with a Gambian forum like you are doing. The jury is still out on  that. I
will wait to hear what Ginny has to say
about that.

[Therefore, posting an article in french, you are also asking people  to
tell you to translate them] Mams.

You are the master of convoluted logic. How do you mean Mams? Didn't  you
just ask your namesake to
translate the Hadith for you in English that you may acquire  knowledge
about Islam? Or are you just l'ingOL?
Again? Do you speak Arabic Mams? This is not a trick question.

[so don't complain my brother] Mams.

Wait a minute. You're the one complaining about me sending  French to
Ellen. I was just sharing with Karim
that if I translate medical or legal technical information, and on  account
of my suspect knowledge in these
two areas, you might keey yoursef. I was only worried about you my  friend.
And Evian of course. You notice
Evian speaks French. I guess you're the only one on Ellen who  was cutting
French class at Marina International.

[what you demanded is what you are getting laugh out loud and be  happy for
showing off you intelligence] Mams.

Don't try to pin your namesake's Hadith on me. You're the one who  felt
insulted. Don't try to pass it on to me.
You're on your friggin own. Trying to start trouble surreptitiously.  I
don't wanna hear it.

[instead of complaining.] Mams.

You're pissing me off. I told you I wasn't complaining. Now go settle  your
problems with your namesake. I
know you wouldn't get far and you'd be right back here trying to draw  me
in. It appears to me you started
messing with Mr. Jah some place else and you followed the man here.  If he
left you where you were, why
would you follow the man all over the place. You my friend are a
schoolyard bully. You have those
tendencies. She was disowned my foot. I got both eyes on yew Mams.  And
don't play victim with me again.
I know you more than any other Elleanor.

[I still love you no matter what and don't get me funny; I love woman  in
that other ways hehehe.] Mams.

What does loving Haruna have to do with your love for women. And how  can
you love a woman like
you love me. There you go again, yielding unnecessary query about  your
sexual orientation. Keep your
women to yourself gaddamit. And don't love me like you love women.
SOmething tells me you don't do
that too well. And please don't tell me how many kids you got. Be  careful
in Suomi. I hear they like
frolicking on the beach nude. I'm just saying. What's a big tall  Fulani
man doing in Helsinki anyway?

[If Allah however, wants men and men to have close intimacy, he  wouldn't
have fulfilled Adam's request of
loneliness by producing Eve laugh.] Edie.

No I ain't laughing. And it ain't funny. Who told you  Adam was lonely? And
who told you woman was cure for  loneliness??
You go get a woman because you're lonely. You might end  up with a lonely
pair. What??? In that case I ask Suntou to
introduce Jaawula to you. For some reason she doesn't  like me. And I am
close to announcing my candidature for the
Presidency of The Republic of Gambia. I will not be held  hostage by Suntou
any longer. And why can't you learn French
when you're bored or lonely?????? What have the French  people done to
you??? I'm not your companion.  Haruna.

--- On Tue, 2/6/09, Haruna  Darbo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From:  Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Neurosurgeon  Dr. Oumar Diallo of the Gabriel Toure'
University hospital discusses  herniated discs.
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Tuesday, 2  June, 2009, 7:56 PM

Not you too Brother Karim!! You're killing me. I  thought it was just Evian
and Laye. BTW, is it just me, or has Kukeh not  been with us for over a
month? WHere is he?

Karim, I generally  shy away from translating medical and legal articles.
That is because  you never know if Mams is waiting to use anything resembling
advice. And  my French is not that good to transummarize technical material
 comfortably. I always look forward to transummarizing  other articles of
plain news, the environment, political  developments, engineering, sociology,
and landscaping. I was hoping I  could just sneak this article in and go
quietly on to another topic, but  you caught me Karim. Just for you my friend,
I will attmpt to  summarize this article.

The article discusses the condition of  herniated discs which most people
often erroneously associate with back  pain. Back pain does result from a
herniated disc but not all back pain  is a result of a herniated disc.
Disclaimer: Please do not rely on any  information I share here as a substitute for
your primary care doctor's  advice. I am not a doctor, I just play one on
Ellen. Ok, so about  80% of our discs are water when we're young. As we age,
they lose  this water along with their super elasticity. It becomes more and
more  difficult to lift less and less weight. The structure of the discs are
 such that they contain a gelatinous core surrounded by a fibrous
periphery. Their main function is to facilitate movement and absorb the  impact of
shock on ou r spinal cord. As we place a load on the spinal  cord, they
compress and expand outward. When the load exceeds the  elasticity of these
discs, we can experience a tear or shear in the  fibrous periphery. This
accelerates the loss of water and  gelatinous matter. As the discs expand and
impinge on the vertebrae, we  get the painful sensation of back pain. When caught
early, herniated  disc can be treated with medication. More advanced and
severe  conditions require surgery.
The doctor advices proper lifting  techniques. Squat (Nyonkoto) and lift.
Don't bend over and lift.  Exercise regularly or engage in low-impact sports.
Strengthen your  stomach muscles, leg muscles, hand muscles, and other
muscles  that help support the vertebral column and bear moe weight on  these
other muscles when you lift. Allah went through all tis trouble to  protect
our fiber-optic conduit (Spinal cord). Help keep it safe and  secure. Mams, no
bending over backwards when you lift. Allez. Haruna.  Easy Karim.

-----Original Message-----
From:  abdoukarim sanneh <[log in to unmask]>
To:  [log in to unmask]
Sent: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 7:13 am
Subject:  Re: Neurosurgeon Dr. Oumar Diallo of the Gabriel Toure'
University  hospital discusses herniated discs.

 Hello Brother Haruna
You keep sending20interesting piece in French  can you please help to do
some translation in English. I have found  the other piece on OMVG that you
translate into English  so educative. I am really interested in the
hydro-politic in  the management of the Gambia River Basin. Currently a trans country
project funded by African Development Bank on under implementation for
sustainable natural resource management of the Gambia River  Basin.

Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 21:52:29 -0400
From: [log in to unmask]
(mip:[log in to unmask])
Subject:  Neurosurgeon Dr. Oumar Diallo of the Gabriel Toure' University
hospital  discusses herniated discs.
To: [log in to unmask]
(mip:[log in to unmask])

l'Essor n°16454 du -  2009-06-02 08:00:00

Le Dr Diallo  Oumar, neurochirurgien au centre hospitalo-universitaire
(CHU) Gabriel Touré

A  condition que le traitement suive les principes édictés  par les

La hernie  discale, une maladie moins connue du grand public, reste
pourtant une réelle préoccupation de santé publique dans  notre pays. Sans

donner  de statistiques exactes à l'échelle nationale, le Dr  Oumar
Diallo, neurochirurgien au centre  hospitalo-universitaire (CHU) Gabriel Touré
donne une  indication de la tendance. Il y a environ 200 cas de  consultation
neurochirurgique par an sur la question. Ces  cas sont répertoriés et
traités médicalement ou  chirurgicalement par des médecins spécialistes.
La  hernie discale qui est très souvent assimilée à tort  à un mal de
dos qui en est la conséquence. Parfois  mêmes les intellectuels sont pris
dans la nasse et  s'enlisent dans les mêmes confusions. Mais le Dr Oumar
Diallo, neurochirurgien, nous donne des explications sur  cette malad ie.
La pathologie est définie par les  neurochirurgiens comme la saillie du
matériel discal dans  le canal vertébral. Le disque qui se trouve entre deux
 vertèbres joue le rôle d'amortisseur des mouvements et  charges du
corps. Selon le Dr Diallo Oumar, neurochirurgien  au centre
hospitalo-universitaire (CHU) Gabriel Touré, ce  disque est composé de 80% d'eau pendant la
Mais il s'assèche au fur et à mesure de  l'évolution pour perdre en
élasticité, en mobilité et en  hauteur. Ce qui, à en croire le
neurochirurgien de  Gabriel Touré, fait que le moindre mouvement va entraîner  une
fissure du disque qui va sortir pour comprimer un  ligament de la partie pos
térieure des vertèbres et créer  un mal de dos.
Les spécialistes s'accordent à  reconnaître que si rien n'est fait à ce
niveau, le  mal peut continuer et la hernie va rompre le ligament et  aller
comprimer le nerf. Conséquence les douleurs  sciatiques d'où le nom de
lombosciatique par la hernie  discale. En d'autres termes, il s'agit de
douleurs qui  partent de la zone sciatique vers les jambes.
La hernie  discale est une maladie dont la prise en charge n'est pas  assez
compliquée mais répond à des principes. Le Dr  Oumar Diallo précise que
le premier traitement est  forcément médical (excepté les urgences comme
les hernies  sciatiques, douloureuses ou paralysantes). Il doit  s'étendre
sur quelques semaines voire 2 mois et demi.  Généralem ent ce traitement
donne de bons  résultats.
Le neurochirurgien de Gabriel Touré se veut  on ne peut plus clair. Pour
lui, il ne faut surtout pas se  presser pour opérer. Lorsque le traitement
médical  échoue, il faut envisager cette alternative thérapeutique.  Dans
l'imaginaire populaire, la neurochirurgie nécessite  des équipements de
pointe pour assurer une prise en charge  correcte des pathologies en la
matière. Pourtant Oumar  Diallo soutient une thèse contraire. Pour lui, on a
besoin  du matériel sophistiqué pour opérer. A ce propos, il  assure que les
neurochirurgiens opèrent 20 à 35 de  ces malades par an. Quelquefois
après il reste un fonds de  lombalgie mais moindre par rapport aux douleurs
La h ernie discale répond bien au  traitement. Mais la pratique dans les
pays africains  notamment le nôtre, c'est que les malades n'ont pas
forcément recours tôt aux médecins.
Chez nous le  thérapeute traditionnel, qui se réclame dépositaire d'une
médecine à plusieurs vertus, reste bien des égards  le premier contact
du malade. Celui-ci endure des épreuves  à ce niveau avant de recourir aux
compétences  médicales.
Les spécialistes conseillent d'avoir une  hygiène de dos pour ne pas
s'exposer à une hernie  discale. Il est avéré, selon des données
scientifiques,  qu'un individu fait 2000 inclinaisons par jour. Il faut donc  ménager
son dos en ne faisant pas de gestes brusques ou  parf ois imprudents. Oumar
Diallo incite à la pratique  du sport et au renforcement des abdominaux et
des muscles  lombaires qui soutiennent le dos et de consulter
immédiatement un médecin après une première  crise.
Rappelons que le disque a une partie centrale  gélatineuse et une partie
périphérique fibreuse. C'est  quand cette partie fibreuse se fissure pour
laisser  échapper, la gélatineuse.

B.  D.

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