>>If all the 6 billion inhabitants of Earth became zero-carb eaters would =
>>the land or the resources to feed these people?=20



I recently read an article (can't recall if it was Popular Science, or Men's Fitness or On Earth) that mentioned some comprehensive research (and a subsequent "statement of direction") by the Rodale institute. The research indicated that most, if not all, of the negatives associated with modern agriculture (pollution, poor nutrition, carbon imbalance, etc.) could be *reversed* by 1) converting large chunks of current ag land to animal grazing, 2) employing intensive organic methods with the remaining land, and 3) scheduled rotations between #1 and #2. The statistics they quoted, if true, were staggering - we're talking magnitudes of improvement. And, as they vigorously pointed out, economies of scale would eventually minimize the costs of "going organic" to approximate current chemicalized agriculture (and probably provide some nice business startups as well as jobs).

I'll see if I can find that particular magazine/issue again.