On Mon, 29 Jun 2009 10:55:46 -0500, Joan Howe <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I keep hearing this same thing: that we need to keep growing grains and
> feeding people mainly grains or there's going to be mass starvation.   
> I'd like to be able to refer to some research that's been done on the  
> subject. Do you know of any such work, demonstrating at least in theory  
> that as many people could be as well nourished on the same amount of  
> land used for fruits, veggies and meat as for grains?

I just did a google search on the phrase "calories per acre" alond with  
the words "grain" and "meat" and got a few interesting results, including  
this one:


   Robert Kesterson
   [log in to unmask]