I have a Sansa Mp3 player.

It connects to my computer (XP Pro) via USB. It was working fine last time 
I connected it 2 months ago to transfer some music files to it.

Now, it does not appear in My Computer so I can't open it.

Device Manager identifies the Sansa under "Windows Portable Devices" and 
indicates that the device is working.

The Sansa lights up when plugged into the computer.

In Control Panel there is an entry "Portable Media Devices". When I open 
that, it is empty.

I have rebooted, and unplugged and replugged the USB connection. Tried 
different USB ports. No difference.

I have looked thru BIOS settings, but do not see Sansa or any USB device 
settings anywhere.

I have switched the USB ports between my USB printer and the Sansa---both 
ports see the printer OK, so I assume the USB ports are functional.

What has happened to my poor little Sansa? It lights up when plugged into 
the computer, so I assume the connection is working.

Don Penlington

 From the Beach at Surfers Paradise in sunny Queensland.
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