Oh "I" have! Depending on the initial damage it often decays just like a tooth. Cavity in the middle progressing in towards the center while the perimeter enamel (fireface) stays more intact until the decay is so far along that it cracks and falls out in chunks.


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----- Original Message -----
From: The listserv where the buildings do the talking <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thu Feb 19 09:07:59 2009
Subject: [BP] three things I am thinking about, one of which is damaged brick

This weekend I dreamt we invaded Italy.

Isn't it funny how there is a space after a comma in a sentence, but none within a number, liked $10,000?   Jeffersonian, I gueff.

So, OK, you damage a brick by mechanically removing the exterior, kiln-hardened face.   This, I know is Really Awful.   I have seen many of these in my time on this planet.  But I have never seen the brick all collapsing or falling out.   So what is it that actually happens that is so bad?

Ciao.    ---Christopher


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