Maybe cladosporium or stachybotris, although I think stachybotris may be the black stuff.  Ya gotta be careful with this stuff, maybe more for legal purposes than anything else.
In a message dated 1/29/2009 8:06:14 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [log in to unmask] writes:
The type of mold was something long and unpronouncable, I'll have to ask
what it was.  All I know is one was white and one was a pale greyish-green.
The green one was supposed to cause more problems for those allergic than
the white one.

I told him the simplist solution was just use the "housewife's friend,"
good ole Clorox and water and spray it.  He rather poo-pooed the idea, then
at the end he said, "the simplest thing to do is just spray with an
anti-microbial, like Clorox,"  like it was his original idea!!!  I'm used
to my husband doing that to me, but not everyone else!!!  Ruth

At 6:32 AM -0500 1/28/09, [log in to unmask] wrote:

I've passed your note onto my brother in law who is in South Hadley Mass,
and does this type of work. He's at the moment in Florida relaxing, but
hope he might suggest someone. I know the building well. One of the
thousands of places where my MGTD broke down was Putney, where I had to
camp out at the Putney Inn waiting for a part to arrive. Beautiful place.
Stay tuned. What did the mycologist say (types of mold)?


Ruth Barton
[log in to unmask]
Dummerston, VT

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