Sharon that is funny you bring that up because I have always told people that santa is satan to take away the real meaning and it has succeeded.  More kids reconize santa than Jesus.  I have seen this on tv unfortunately.   It inrages me.  Because people would rather tell their children and grand children about stupid santa that the real reason for the season.  I come out and tell kids that santa is not real.  And I don't care if people think I am mean I only speak the truth.  There was a real Chris Kringle but he was not a magical elf that could go down chimneys.  He is fron Holland and would fill socks with canday and put the socks in window or on doors to poor peoples home. and that is how the American santa came about.  Only one person can go down evry chimney or enter every home at once ant the man is Jesus.
I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.

ABC's of Salvation
Admit you are a sinner. Rom 3:23
Believe in Christ. Acts 16:31
Confess your faith. Rom 10:9-10
Karen Carter 74'
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Sharon Hooley <[log in to unmask]>
Naughty or Nice-Two ways of looking at Santa Claus
By Sharon Hooley
While sitting in Church this Sunday morning, a thought occurred to me:  Now, I'm not trying to spoil the good fun of our Christmas traditions; go ahead, enjoy the presents and pretend, "Look what Santa brought you last night!"  But did you know that an anagram for Santa is satan?  It seems I've heard this before, but this makes me think:
Many of us kids and adults forget the true meaning of Christmas these days, climbing onto a Santa impersonator's lap, and telling him what we want for Christmas.  We want dolls, transformers, IPods, etc.  This is all good fun, and we can look forward to these things with anticipation.  But, if you think about it, satan says, "ho, ho, ho," because he knows that these things are like cheap plastic toys that will soon be destroyed or stop working, and many of us fall for it, forgetting the eternal life that the True Gift of Christmas brings.  Oh let us climb onto Jesus' lap, and thank Him for that most precious treasure!
On the other side of the coin, our Heavenly Father is kind of like Santa, but much better!  I think many of us also forget that He is totally generous, longing to bless us with more than we can carry!  I know for myself that I tend to think of Him as a killjoy, demanding that I give up all and say no to some of the things I like most.  But I'm glad to know that God doesn't require that I give up those things that  will truly last and satisfy; things that  don't cost me anything I can't afford, and that are guaranteed as I reach for it, and they are the best things.  Jesus is the best!  He knows everything about me, and He loves me the most, and He's always available-forever!  Let us thank Him for this too, as we gather 'round the Christmas tree, and all year long!