I too hear more 4 stations than anything else, even from here in 

There are several stations in the Huntsville, Alabama area, most of whom run 
mobile, and they all have very good signals.

Most of the activity is on 5371.5, which is commonly known as "channel 4," 
like it or not. Tonight, I heard a K1 there talking to a station in England. 
The 1 was very clear here, while the G station was readable, but down in my 

I too have not opened up my TS570, and I'm not sure I will. I do like to 
listen on 60, though, because most of the operators behave themselves, and 
there is usually no qrm.

Like so many of our other privileges, this band is also under utilized.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs