Father In Heaven we ask that you take away the cold from Terri Thank you for your love and blessing In your rprecious name we pray Amen

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is. 

ABC's of Salvation 
Admit you are a sinner. Rom 3:23 
Believe on Christ. Acts 16:31 
Confess your faith. Rom 10:9-10 
Karen Carter 74' 

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Teri Van Pelt <[log in to unmask]> 

Ok, here is my spill, I am single, but for goodness sake I am with you can we please have the old fashion Boy meets girl, girl meets boy routine?  I simply hate all the games more thoughts later...
I NEED prayer for a cold I am getting and I have to fly out of town to Virginia Thursday. i feel awful  yuck! night and god bless u all, love,  sweet tee!  

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