In a message dated 7/19/2008 2:00:17 AM Central Daylight Time,

Chris writes writes:

At a recent Chilmark
selectmen meeting suggest Tom was head of a gang of violent turkey
s roaming
the neighborhood and terrorizing residents.

Oh to be a nudist
in Chilmark when the gan
g of violent turkeys attack...
I can see it now as hundreds of purists run from the beach in a violent flapping of wings and other parts of the anatomy tying up traffic on old shadebush as gobblers goose buttocks and make flap-dootle out of dingle -dangles ;  and who can blame them?
My  guess is that its pay back time for all the sickly sweet  cranberrysauce and dry dressing served up for centuries by blowhards  in stove pipe hats who traded Bibles for land  and got the Indians drunk while  fondling Purcilla under all the black and lace;   and now want to make amends for Teddy Kennedy by voting for Obama .
So goes the Cape and the Islands
I didn't get to see Teddy on the dock this last trip (he was in D.c) for a critical vote
about raising the fee in the coin operated  wash rooms; I did however catch strippers off of Montemoy ; near an immortal pool called Handkerchief;
$200 bucks in diesel for a  fish dinner  in a quaint  vacation spot  that is going to pot as the for sale signs are going up all over the cape; to ease my ageda (heartburn) I played the links of goofy golf with  8 yr. old peanut after shelling out  $25  bucks in greens fees   and  $7.50 in crackerjacks and  one hot dog; and here it is that I  thought  it was only Republicans that were  screwing us.
   signed sadderbudwiser- old butterballs- Py

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