I'm very pleased with the number of us who responded so positively to my 

Dave had the type of experience that I had with my first Field Day group
while in college in the early 70s. It was indeed an icebreaker with the
local club.

His experience confirms once again how gentle persistence and a little self
assertion will take any of us to new levels of enjoyment, knowledge, and
experience in this wonderful hobby from which despite what some would have
us believe, all of the magic has not disappeared.

You don't have to wait for the next Field Day. Clubs always need help with
local public service events, program ideas, etc.

Most clubs would love to see a presentation like the one that Tom conducted
at Dayton.

So, guys and gals, go forth and conquer your local radio club!

Mike Duke, K5XU,
Immediate Past President,
Jackson Amateur Radio Club
as of Yesterday

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs