How do fellow pinheads meet? 
Why .. on the plumb and the square 

How do you know a fellow pin-head?
By certain signs and grips and tears to the seat of the pants 

So it was in old Nawlins when two pinheads met recently at Plumbs grogery 
just off Jackson Square. 
The years had been kind; both men walked with a crooked gait with a fair 
collection of dust polishing the seats of their pants.
 They greeted one another with the familiar salute (pinkie up the nose 
accompanied by muffled flatulence) then with iced libations in hand proceeded to 
engage in a lively discourse over who was older, fatter, and had less hair.
These were obviously important issues between the two that had to be worked 
out. Our brides who were accompanying us entertained themselves by drumming 
their fingers on the tap table and staring at the ceiling; while the bartender 
incredulous on how cheap these two iterate craftsmen were was making noises to 
have us thrown out.
Undaunted several major motions were pushed through during this period most 
taking several trips to the mens room but it was all worked out. We parted over 
who was going top pay the bill promising to meet in a months time at the 
plumb on the square .and this next time wearing false mustaches so we wouldn't be 
remembered .

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