
For the past few years, I have had a slight CPU problem.  It was however bearable.  Maybe every once in a while I would suffer extreme lag for a few minutes, but in the last month or two it has gotten much much worse.

I am at the point now where, whether it be Firefox, a game, media player, or any random program, that it consumes anywhere from 40-90% CPU.  Now, it is so bad that sometimes the whole system freezes for a second or two.  It happens when the CPU is at 100%, and it is intermittent, about every 15-20 seconds, and everything including the cursor freezes.  The sound also gets stuck, and skips for those 2 or so seconds.

I don't know what to do.  I have had my fan cleaned about a year and a half ago, and it helped, until now.  I have ran all kinds of scans(primary programs are AVG, Ad-Aware, and Spyware Blaster.  I also use Winpatrol, Process Tamer, and Process Explorer).  I have tried so many things.  I have read that high CPU can be caused by loose wires also, and have noticed that my screens back light flicks on and off.  Could that be the cause?

I will provide System specs, and also Hijack This! if needed.

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