> Author Unknown 
> Apr 12 2008 
> I was an onion before Christ set me free. 
> Layers upon layers of iniquity. 
> An ugly old onion whose fragrance was strong; 
> That my Jesus bought and loved all along. 
> Unknown to me what He was going to do Of what He was planning, I had not a 
> clue. 
> Pulling each layer off one by one. In order to make me more like Jesus the 
> Son. 
> The first layer wasn't so bad. I saw all the sins that I knew I had They 
> were easy to fix, just change the way I talk And learn more of how He 
> wanted me to walk. 
> Reading His Word, and learning again; How to put aside my life of sin. But 
> the next layer was pulled which hurt more. He was getting closer to the 
> core. 
> Unknown what He would find there. I simply gave it to Him in prayer. As 
> another layer was removed, He started to cry; Pulling this layer brought 
> pain to my Father on High. 
> And I was crying over the sadness I felt; The brokenness and all of the 
> guilt Past memories that I thought were gone; They were buried under 
> layers disguised in a fragrance so strong. 
> As onions peel more and more; And they put tears in our eyes as we get 
> close to the core; So my Father wept over my pain; Giving me a balm of 
> comfort and strength to sustain. 
> "No More Layers." I would scream. As He continued to peel them off of me. 
> "I'll have nothing left my Lord, what will I do? I'll be nothing but a 
> worthless core to you. his 
> But He just said "Trust me," and continued to peel I was sure He was 
> blinded to my pain that was so real. 
> Year after year I shrunk more and more; Until all that was left of this 
> onion was a core. 
> It was then that I began to understand; As the Lord embraced me in His 
> loving hand. He said, now and only now can you be; The creation that will 
> minister before me. 
> Clothed with the righteousness only from above; Gone are your layers of 
> self so you can be filled with my love. He took my layers of sin, hurt and 
> pain; And clothed me with love, truth and mercy in His name. 
> Yes, we are all onions, learning with each day; How to overcome as each 
> layer is taken away. 
> Some layers tear and pull at our heart; While others grieve us to our 
> innermost part. 
> But we are nothing but an ugly onion without Christ. Layers upon layers of 
> pride, sin and strife. Only God can take those layers away. And clothe us 
> with His righteousness in that final day. 