It seems in modern society that 3 meals a day are the norm.  There are some who advocate 5 or 6 smaller meals a day as a way to boost metabolism, improve blood sugar control, improve cholesterol rations and lose weight.  One of the advocates of that is Mercola.  I am not diabetic, so do I need to be that concerned about blood sugar control on a lower carb diet and does 5 to 6 meals a day work?
I tried that but those smaller meals did not leave me satisfied, so my 6 small meals grew to mean 6 larger meals. Not good for losing weight.  
Does anyone get through the day on less, perhaps 2 larger meals a day?
It seems to me that our ancient ancestors would of had an evening meal. The next morning had a breakfast of left overs from the evening meal, and then went about the day hunting to the next meal.  They may have picked fruit or nuts during the day hunting.  But did they have a full meal like we do today for lunch?
Another reason I ask this is that I want to get away from my office for the hour a day. It is kind of hard to do that and eat lunch at the same time.