Praise the Lord they were caught Please tell het to never in any circumstance to carry that kind of money.  Tell her to keep it in the bank and at the most only carry 20.  I only carry 5 at the most.   Tell her not to let them intimidate in any way.  These kinds of creeps need to be locked up for good.  Thank you Jesus that it worked out and please put a head of protection on Trina against these goons.  But Jesus please touch their hearts so that they are changed for you instead of drugs.  In your precious name we pray Amen
I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.
ABC's of Salvation
Admit you are a sinner. Rom 3:23
Believe on Christ. Acts 16:31
Confess your faith. Rom 10:9-10
Karen Carter 74'
-------------- Original message --------------
From: MariJean <[log in to unmask]>

> Hi Family,
> It was as I thought. The attack was perpetrated by three of Trina's
> brother's "associates", if such a polite term can be used.
> She was coming out of a gas station, and, just as she started pumping
> her gass, three people approached her, one girl and two boys. The boy
> raised a Colt 45, while the girl hit her in the nost with brass
> knuckles. They took sixteen hundred dollars from her. Apparently, she
> had just received her pay.
> The gas station called the police and the three of them were caught.
> There were two guns, carried by the boys, while the girl had a knife.
> Needless to say, that is why Trins did not put up a fight, not one little bit.
> On Wednesday evening, the police notified Trina to come down the next
> day, Thursday, so that she could try and pick them out of a lineup.
> She did, and filed charges against them.
> All that money had to be entered as evidence, so, she will be
> receiving it back.
> The physician would like for her to return on Monday, so that he can
> further check Trina's nose, just to make certain that there are no
> broken blood vesels up inside.
> Just pray for her safety please. Where there are three of these
> idiots, there are more. Bless-edly, she was not molested.
> I luv all you guys for continuing to pray for my gentle friend. Oh,
> and by the way, she measure for feet, nine inches. That's a meter and
> some for those who do the Metric system.
> Everyone have a bless-ed Good Friday, and a prayerful time with THE LORD.
> Please pray for me, becaus e I am consumed with worry, and all this
> really acts on my PTSD.
> Thank you, oh, so much family.
> purple Mari