I am glad hoshi is good for a couple of years and Virgie many more Praise the Lord.
I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.
ABC's of Salvation
Admit you are a sinner. Rom 3:23
Believe on Christ. Acts 16:31
Confess your faith. Rom 10:9-10
Karen Carter 74'
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>

> Virgie and Hoshie made it last night and Doc came over and checked her out
> thoroughly. Hoshie I mean; not Virgie. Anyhow, Doc is pretty certain that
> Hoshie has some leg and joint problems which he believes can easily be
> treated using anti-inflammatories. He believes a couple of vertebras are
> also out so tomorrow the animal chiropractor he uses, and we have used many
> times with one of our dogs with amazing results, is coming to see what she
> thinks. Doc believes she has at least two more good years of use, Hoshie I
> am referring to now and not Virgie, and unless the animal neurologist finds
> something else, or if he wants to do more testing before he agrees with
> Doc's findings or not, it would appear what Hosie has is very treatable.
> Doc is positive, based upon the x-rays and records Virgie brought with her,
> that Hoshie in no way has a brain tumor but he still thinks the neurologist
> should look Hoshie over to see if he agrees with Doc's findings, blood work,
> and diagnosis. Virgie's son is coming to Denver in a few days for a
> business meeting so she'll get to visit with her son. He lives in New
> Mexico so he isn't far away. Virgie is staying at my son's home behind our
> house so she is only about 75 feet from our back door and can come over by
> walking down the driveway any time she wants. Everett and Donna have an
> extra room upstairs in their house for Virgie and Hoshie. Anyhow, your
> continued prayers for Hoshie would be appreciated but at first glance, the
> report seems good overall. Those of you with guide dogs know just how
> stressful something like this is so pray for Virgie, too. He r plane trip
> yesterday was a nightmare, almost, and Hoshie ended up being forced to walk
> a very long distance in Washington DC thanks to the airline assistant who
> made Virgie miss her next plane. They will be hear long enough for Doc to
> see if his diagnosis and treatment is on target. Our little dog, Skip, has
> been worked on by the chiropractor many times and he improves overnight,
> generally, with just a single treatment. I was very very skeptical about
> the chiropractor but when I saw what she did for Skip, we call her every so
> often to come and work on him because his little back goes out very easily.
> There was a time when Skip got so bad at first, he couldn't hardly walk, so
> We took him to a couple of other vets and finally, since we had just met
> Doctor Cahill, we called him to come and put Skip to sleep because his back
> legs simply were not working and he was falling and l ooked so pathetic. He
> treated him totally differently. Plus, I was afraid he was in terrible
> pain, too. Doc refused to put him to sleep because he said he could treat
> him and sure enough, he came out of it and the chiropractic treatments also
> played a major role in his recovery. He runs and jumps and walks normally
> now.
> Phil.