Hi, everyone,


When I saw the Dymaxion soon after they opened the exhibit (2001?), they were presenting it as though you were a person buying the house, and there was a "real estate agent" there (in period 1940s garb) to take you through the building and explain all the nifty features.  Although it didn't really leave an opportunity to linger in the building and take it in, it did provide an explanation for things like the "o-volving" shelves and other features that might be overlooked by folks who don't know what to look for.


Small disclaimer, I was an intern on the project after they pulled the pieces out of the boxes, and we indeed did a lot of head scratching.  It was a great summer, though, cataloguing the parts.  My recollection is that the display building is the building salvaged from Wichita supplemented by parts of another Dymaxion that was never built.  (Not a full spare Dymaxion.)  The building is a lot smaller than I thought it would be.


Still lurking in Philadelphia,

- Johnette

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