
    Wayne sent me the following message, and said to pass it on to
this list.  He is the designer of the K3.

It's our goal to provide a high level of accessibility in the K3,
including optimized feedback using tones as well as voice (the latter
requiring the DVR option). However, at this time we have not started
work on accessibility features, due to final work on the subreceiver
and DVR options, as well as certain basic firmware.

Sometime in late April I anticipate starting on accessibility firmware.
We'll enlist the help of blind hams in testing and refinement. Several
have already volunteered.

One starting point we'll use is our own KX1 QRP transceiver. I
developed the accessibility firmware for the KX1 with the help of two
blind hams, as well as by operating the unit blindfolded myself until I
could easily use all of the controls. (My background is in Cognitive
Science, and I'm very familiar with user interface design techniques.)

Another product you might want to look into is the Elecraft KRC2. One
version of this unit's firmware provides accessibility functionality
for the K2, and it may be usable with the K3 as well, with expanded
support likely in the future. I've copied this to the developer of the
KRC2, Jack Brindle, to see if he could comment on this.
