Thanks Sharon I am still praying for you.  Father in Heaven thank you for all you are doing for Sharon.  Thank you for you love and grace and mercy.  In your precious name we pray Amen

Sharon Hooley <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Well today was The day! Larry, my PSR worker and case manager, took me to
Boise to Elks Hearing and Balance. It was weird weather, with hard snowing
probably during the night and in the morning. Later the sun came out, then
it was snowing as we neared town. Walking toward the building, we met with
my sister Judy and brother Dale. Our parents would have come but for the
roads, which disappointed me.

To make a long story short, both my speech processors were activated. They
give you two of them in case you need a backup. The sounds I hear reminds
me of a whining little harmonica at high and higher pitches, on which you
move your mouth around to make speech sounds, but the speech isn't very
clear. The best I can detect are the S sound. It also sounds like my ear
ringing at different pitches of the harmonica. As Judy and I were leaving
the clinic, I heard tinkle, tinkle. I asked her if it was the blinkers,
which it was! I didn't hear it with my hearing aid.

I asked Judy and Dale if we could celebrate, and I decided I wanted to eat
at a drive thru, in the car, which is my favorite wayo eat out. Then on the
way home, Judy and I stopped at Dairy Queen to get me a chocolate chip
cookie dough blizzard and a large diet pepsi.

Judy has made video excerpts of what happened, and I'd like to upload it
somewhere. Does anyone know of a better place than U-Tube? I want to share
this moment with you all. Even if you're blind, you'll probably be able to
get an idea of what's going on. If you[re curious about any of it, just

Maybe I'll write more in the days ahead, but I think I'll go for now.

Hugs and high-fives!


I would rather live as if there is a God, than to live as if there is not a God.  and die and find out that there is a God.
Remember Jesus is the reason for the season.  If there was no Christ.  There would be not CHRIST-mas.
Merry Christ-mas 
Karen Carter '74