I think its great that historic work so often contains poo.  It makes me laugh. 
Of course I understand the practical reasons behind this, but sometimes the 7-year-old in me breaks out...

Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 21:12:25 -0500
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [BP] Spec mix
To: [log in to unmask]

Ileane ; On a practicle level send in a sample to the lab of what you want to
make custom ; Mike E provides this service almost better than anyone else
;if needed he will give you a print out ....and a list of historic sites where similar mixes were used ...for argument sake both he and John walsh can break it down for
you in physical terms  ten times better than anyone else ;.....me? My mix must hold sideways to the trowel for the 3-5 count ; if I want a soft mix(low psi )  I can guage type n with type s  ; add  soft brick or clay  tile dust;  for color  cow manure ;  red or yellow ochre ;  options  tennis court clay , fire clay ; or our red sand which has 27%  clay  ;all lovely sticky  stuff that takes twice as long to set ;but when it sets will never be too hard for the soft yellow 19tch cent brick we have and that would never survive ithe freeze thaw of yankeeland .

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-- To terminate puerile preservation prattling among pals and the uncoffee-ed, or to change your settings, go to: http://listserv.icors.org/archives/bullamanka-pinheads.html