On Tuesday in Manhattan I saw a sign painter down on Houston about 80' 
up climb up and stand on the middle back rail in order to better paint 
an eyebrow. The upper back rail to the backside of his legs below the 
center of gravity, meaning he had to balance himself and hook into the 
middle rail with the sole of his boots. This is one of those situations 
where the mechanic gets too used to being where they are at. I cannot 
say that in youth I have not done that maneuver myself. A real good gust 
of wind and they could easily do a back flip and end hanging from their 
harness. Their partner a good 15 feet away at the far end of the rig. No 
hands holding anything, a paint container in one hand and a brush in the 
other. Balanced. All because they did not want to move the rig up a few 
feet on the wall. As I mentioned to my son when we saw this if the guy 
were working for me and I saw that I'd be reaming a new A in short order.

As to the fall and survival incident I don't particularly want to know 
the inside dope. I know more than I need to know about people falling to 
their death.


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