The radials should help transmit on all bands but a vertical isn't the best 
antenna for short contacts on 75/80 meters.  It works much better if the 
station is further away.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gery Gaubert" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 2:22 PM
Subject: antennas radials and what to

As all of you probably know, I have a butternut hf 6v vertical antenna.  I =
have worked people in California, the Carolinas, Texas, New York and Rhode =
island.  I haven't had a lot of time since I got licensed.  I made these co=
ntacts without radials on my antenna.  Yesterday, I tried to participate on=
 a net on 3910 Khz.  Hams throughout the state of Louisiana participate in =
this net.  I couldn't be heard but could hear almost everyone.  I had an sw=
r of about 1/6.  2 watts reflective and about 99 watts forward.  I didn't t=
hink this was that bad.  I am notsure on how the discussion went but are th=
e radials going to help for receiving or transmitting or both?  Even after =
the radials are in place will the energy from the signal just go over the l=
ocal areas?