Father in Heaven please be with this man's family and also confort the young man and give him your peace.  Be with his family and help them all through this hard time for both families.  You know how to confort and console them both.  In your precious name we pray Amen

VIRGIE UNDERWOOD <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
One of our vendors was killed yesterday. He was out in the yard, a teenage
boy was driving a S U V, the vehicle ran into his yard hit the man and
pinned him against the porch. Please pray for his family and also the young
man and his family as well.
Thank you so much for helping with my prayer requests.

Virgie and Lady Hoshi

I would rather live as if there is a God, than to live as if there is not a God.  and die and find out that there is a God.
Remember Jesus is the reason for the season.  If there was no Christ.  There would be not CHRIST-mas.
Merry Christ-mas 
Karen Carter '74