that was one of the highlights of my life.   i wonder if don  yeomans is 
already on this list.
Chance of Asteroid Hit on Mars Increases
LOS ANGELES (Dec. 28) - The  chance of a football field-sized asteroid 
plowing into Mars next month has been  increased to 4 percent, scientists said 
Friday after analyzing archival  data.

Though still a long shot, some researchers are hoping for a cosmic  smash.  
On Friday, scientists said the odds of an asteroid slamming into  Mars on Jan. 
30 are 1 in 25, up from previous calculations of 1 in  75.   "I think it'll be 
cool," said Don Yeomans, who heads the  Near-Earth Object Program at NASA's 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  "Usually when an asteroid is headed toward Earth, 
I'm not rooting for an  impact."

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