Cuyler Page wrote:
> The split cobblestone dome vision

The split dome for many years has been nothing more than the inside 
lining of my head. It is a problem in structure as the back sides of the 
boulders are round. Pretty colors though. Lots of sparkle. Red, blue, 
pink, black, yellow, green, brown. Visually though I don't suspect that 
it would betray this falling out flaw to the unsuspecting visitor until 
a stone fell out. It is one of the reasons that I have for a long time 
been interested in glass fiber reinforced concretes/mortars. But I also 
know that once the dome heats up and starts to twist that it is 
inevitable that at some unknown point-in-time that a stone would pop 
out. Bonk! I believe some structures are better imagined than built.


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