Hi Phil, I got a joke for you.
There is this blond sitting next to this lawyer on the plane, well, this lawyer is just a gabbin away to this poor blond who just wants to get some shut eye. 
Well, the lawyer finally says, hey!! I'll make a bet with you, and she's like what? Thinking of course let's get this over with so he can shut up and leave her alone.  The lawyer says, I'll ask you a question and if you can't answer the question, you give me five dollars, and you ask me a question and if I can't answer the question, I'll give you 500 dollars. 
Needless to say it got her attention, so he asks her how far it is from the earth to the moon, and she simply picks up her purse and gives him the five dollars, well he says ok, its your turn you ask me a question, so she says, ok, what has 3 legs going up the hill and four legs coming back down the hill? So this lawyer is using the air phone, talking to his buddies, searching the internet cause he doesn't know the answer, so finally an hour later he taps her on the shoulder and she wakes up and he gives her 500 dollars, so she takes it puts it in her purse and falls back asleep. 
Well, this question is driving this lawyer absolutely crazy so just before the plane lands, he asks well, what is it that has 3 legs going up this hill and four legs coming back down this hill, well, she picks up her purse and gives him five dollars.