And if you want tto get rid of the hdx 202, you can give it to me,

Fred Olver  N9BSO

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tracy Son" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2007 9:06 PM
Subject: easy ht to use

> Hello Listers.
> My old radioshack ht202 battery pack went south and will not charge any 
> more
> so in the garbage the battery went.
> The radio is so old I hate to get another pack for it and then have the
> radio stop working 4 months later.
> What is a good easy 2 meater or dool bander radio that is user friendly.
> I thought about the kenwood tryband ht but it's to much money to pay for 
> an
> ht.
> Thank you.
> Tracy Son.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "John Miller" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2007 20:31
> Subject: Re: ic7000
>> I'm coming to think I'm very lucky. I'm in a residential area and no 
>> one's
>> ever home and I have berry little noise around here. It is more now than
>> it
>> used to be but it's really pretty quiet around here. Not like on 
>> vacation,
>> but nothing will ever be like that again for me I'm sure. It was a hole
>> street of summer places with a few year round places way down, my radio
>> was
>> so quiet there you'd think the RF gain was way down or something I mean,
>> the
>> lightest hiss was about it but when there was a station in there, I could
>> really pull them out easy. Not like that here, but from talking to 
>> people,
>> I
>> am real lucky and I think most of that is the fact no one's ever around
>> out
>> here. I suppose I'd better enjoy it while it lasts.
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Lou Kline" <[log in to unmask]>
>> To: <[log in to unmask]>
>> Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2007 8:47 PM
>> Subject: Re: ic7000
>>> Hi.
>>> I'm getting so many local noise sources around here that it doesn't
>>> really
>>> matter what I put on HF--I can't hear anything anyway.  It seems like I
>>> am
>>> getting a lot of digital crud from home consumer devices in neighbor's
>>> houses.  I sat up last night with the Sony ICF2010 and the HF listening
>>> was
>>> pretty bad.
>>> Unfortunately, the group I used to go out with for Field Day has folded
>>> up,
>>> so I don't really have much of a reason to maintain a "go" pack.  II'm
>>> hashing over whether or not I want to keep the Icom 706 Mk IIg station 
>>> or
>>> whether it is time to cash it in.
>>> 73, de Lou K2LKK