Amen Kim,  God did not mean we could not act silly once in a while and have fun he means when we come to him we do a complete turn around and don't do the things of the world.  

Christ is the reason for the season. If there was not Christ. There would be no Christ-mas. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!! 
Karen Carter 
Class of '74

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Kim Etheridge <[log in to unmask]> 

Thanks, Angel. However, I don't think it's wrong to be young at heart. Granted, we shouldn't act childish 24/7, but well you know.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Angel 
To: [log in to unmask] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 6:28 PM
Subject: Re: please pray

I am sure your aunt is just trying to help you.  St. Paul says we should put away childish things when we grow up and to always be sober.  Acting the age we are does a lot to gain respect which we blind adults lack.  You can always move away from your aunt.  Doing this will also cause her to realize you are more than a child.  When our Lord said we ought to be as are little children, I believe he meant in matters concerning faith and trust not in our behavior.  Our culture seems to worship youth.  Unlike other cultures who pries the wisdom which can only be gotten from years of experience.  We can never hope to gain that sort of wisdom without maturing and acting our age.  
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Karen Carter 
To: [log in to unmask] 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 11:30 PM
Subject: Re: please pray

Tell her growing up is no fun.  I am 53 going on 10.  And I am sure God loves your spirit more.  It says right in the Bible to have a cheerful heart so keep being cheerful and child like.  Yah you probably should move where you can be yourself and enjoy life the way you want.  If you are unable to live on your own there are nice group homes to live in but make sure it is good before moving in.  If you are in MIchigan the Lansing Area there is one Called Washington Wood on South Washington st. 

Father in Heaven please be with Kim.  You do say come on to me as a little child.  Please help her to beable to move and put her in the perfect place where she can be happy and not be picked at.  Also help her Aunt to beable to loosen up and have fun herself and to try to help instead of critizing.  And for all this Jesus we give you the praise.  Amen 

Christ is the reason for the season. If there was not Christ. There would be no Christ-mas. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!! 
Karen Carter 
Class of '74

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Kim Etheridge <[log in to unmask]> 

> I'll be so glad when I get to Heaven. At least we'll all be perfect when we 
> get there, and my vendictive and judgmental aunt can't find fault with me 
> any more. Honestly, I'm about to just ask someone to find me either a group 
> home, or something else. All I hear is grow up, grow up, grow up, you're 34 
> years old, you need to act grown up. What's the harm in being young at 
> heart? Does the Word not in fact say that unless you receive the kingdom of 
> Heaven as a little child, you will in no wise enter? I may have it wrong. I 
> pray I didn't misphrase it. The last thing I want is to misquote a Bible 
> verse. I mean, I know I'm 34 years old, but what's wrong with being young at 
> heart, and sometimes acting younger? She had the nerve to tell me I acted 
> like a child with no manners. That hurt me, although I didn't bow the knee 
> to her or cry. I just don't want to live with her any more. I flat out told 
> her to shut up yesterday, when she started with me. I just lost it. She was 
> ranting and raving, and I just walked away. Of course, she yelled all the 
> louder. She's 54 years old, and still hasn't mastered the ability to speak 
> calmly while trying to make a point. I'm starting to be sorry I ever moved 
> in with her. I love her, and God, it kills me to say it, but I'm pouring out 
> my heart here. Oh, I can't wait till Jesus comes and gets us. Even if she's 
> not left behind, He'll likely give her an earful about judging me. I've 
> lived with her nonsense for eleven years, and she's had that long to learn 
> to love me in spite of my flaws, but it's impossible for her. Please pray.