Hi, Terri:

Thanks for your help with my call sign last Spring.  I use the Braille, as 
you wrote it, when I write a QSL card.  Now I have a different need growing 
out of my need to serve as recording secretary for our amateur group.  I use 
the Braille'N/Speak and Fred Gissoni's "Ham Calls" program when doing my 
tern as Net Control and it works fine as it understands the combination of 
letters and numerals.  I can not, however use that program for mixed text as 
when writing minutes unless I write everything out in Grade One Braille. 
Back in 1939, that is what one did in first grade.  Later, we learned what 
they called Grade 1-1/2, and finally in about 4th grade, Grade Two Braille. 
Excuse the history lesson.

I tried every other possible combination with mixed text using Fred's 
program and both Grade One and Grade Two, and nothing comes out totally 
readable.  Have you a solution?

If you have Braille'N'Speak, please write the following for me:

Tom, W3RCJ reported that the old Rib Cage antenna is in need of repair or 


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