Hi Jerry;
I believe a two foot long pipe should come with the antenna.  Supposedly you 
pound most of this pipe in the ground and mount the antenna on top.  I don't 
think there would be any harm in using a longer pipe but you will have to 
pound it further in the ground.  The antenna as I understand things should 
be close to ground since you are ground mounting it.  As I recall the 
antenna is quite flexible so you have to decide if this seems unsterdy 
because the pipe that you are using for a mount isn't sturdy or is the 
antenna just flexible.  From my very limited knowledge you may need help 
tuning the antenna.  The problem with this one is that adjusting one band 
effects performance on other bands and I guess you have to spend a 
significant amount of time getting to the point that things resonate on all 
bands.  How have you done with radials?  They seem to recommend twelve to 
16.  The folks that amaze me are those with 40 to 50 radials.  I get tired 
hearing about it.
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