In an Associated Press article dated June 15, 2007, Mohamed ElBaradei, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency Commission, said that Iran “could be running close to 3,000 uranium-enriching centrifuges by the end of next month” -- a number that IAEA officials have called the point of no return in the start of a large-scale program.
ElBaradei spoke at the end of a meeting of his agency's 35-nation board, a gathering that focused on Iran's refusal to heed U.N. Security Council demands that it freeze activities that could serve to make nuclear arms and provide answers on suspicious aspects of its program.
He also urged Iran to offer a "self-imposed moratorium" on enrichment, describing it as a "good confidence-building measure" that could launch negotiations on the standoff.
But the chief Iranian envoy to the meeting asserted that his country would never suspend enrichment -- the key issue of Security Council concern.
Although they've called for a negotiated solution, the U.S. and Israel have refused to outright dismiss the possibility that they might target Iran militarily if it refuses to back down.
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