Original msg:--

<<<< Recently I've come across this problem stating that my main hard drive is full and having the option to use Disk Cleanup.  I've been trying to download a file that's >2GB.  My drive is currently at 1.82GB free space.  The catch is that I just barely begun the download.  Is this normal for WIN98 or is there something I'm missing out on.  Please inform me as what to do.  Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Walter>>>>>


since you have only 1.82GB of free space in your hard drive, i think it is only logical that you get a "drive full" error when you attempt to download a file <2GB. such msgs. are operating system independent and applies to win98/2000/ME/.....whatever....

so your only option (apart from toying with the "page file", which is for advanced users) is to go for the disk cleanup and see how much space is released.

having said the above, the safe practice is to leave at least 7.5 to 10% of total disk capacity as free space for optimum performance.

but what is most puzzling, to me at least, is the word "recently" at the beginning of your post.

it will be interesting to find out what other list members think


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