Praise the Lord.  I still waiting for the Lord to do something like that for me.  Been waiting 53 years. 

Christ is the reason for the season. If there was not Christ. There would be no Christ-mas. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!! 
Karen Carter 
Class of '74

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Jenifer Gilley <[log in to unmask]> 

> hi all. 
> we've been talking about faith on this list lately. Well, let me share 
> something that recently happened to Jeremy and I. 
> As you all know, I transfered to detroit from cleveland when we got married. 
> I loved my job in cleveland, and always prayed we would somehow find our way 
> back. Well, because i loved it so much, and detroit was so stressful, i 
> talked constantly about how great cleveland was and Jeremy was listening. 
> In around April of 06, he totally shocked me by telling me he wanted to get 
> back there somehow. Now, at this point we both were trying to find ways to 
> get out of our jobs. I wanted to quit, and he did also. Well, God kept 
> impressing on me to just wait. Be patient. Well, I did. 
> Finally, after 3 months of praying, Seasonal positions opened in cleveland! 
> Hey, it was a step! Well, we applyed. We were interview at work just like 
> everyone else. And... we got it! We knew we would! We were exstatic! We 
> quit permanent jobs and stepped out in faith to come here and get seasonal 
> jobs. Everyone in detroit thought we were crazy! But, we kept telling them 
> we weren't worried. God was with us and we would eventually... probably 
> after a year or so, become permanent. 
> We were asked to put our names and a lot of paper work into a roster... 
> vicki knows about the torture of the mpq! had to do it twice... once forthe 
> seasonals and then once to get on the permanent roster. *sigh* i know 
> better now! Save the mpq! 
> Well, we didn't hear anything, and didn't hear anything. We both were set 
> on having to get layed off for a while and were kind of scared. But, 
> yesterday we were called into a manager's office... the head manager... 
> along with about 15 other people. To make a long storry short... we're 
> permanent! We stepped out in faith and God came through! *smile* God is 
> good! 
> Jenifer Gilley 
> Christ came that we may have life everlasting! 
> Email: 
> [log in to unmask] 
> msn-no email please: 
> [log in to unmask] 
> check out my blog! 