<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi everyone.

I'm hoping for some good, researched advice here (ie I do appreciate answers 
like "I eat them just fine" but I need more) from people who have called 
companies regarding gluten content and cross-contamination.

I am seriously at the end of my rope with breakfast foods.  I have been 
eating the EnviroKids cereals as well as frozen waffles for almost ten years 
now and I'm sick of it!!  I rejoiced at Glutinos new cereals, PLUS they're 
in a GF facility which is the best thing!  But now, after every day for a 
year, I need some variety (plus, i"m pregnant and you really crave variety).

When I go to Whole Foods, lots of cereals say GF, but which do you trust to 
be truly GF?  I mean, the cleanest as far as cross-contamination and purity 
of ingredients?  I see things like RIce Crunch Ems, Corn Flakes, Erewhon 
products... stuff like that?

Again, I would appreciate the info people have gotten in the last couple 
years from the companies themselves about mfr'ing and ingredients.  If it 
weren't Sunday I'd be on the phone, but we're leaving for camping for a week 
tomorrow and this pregnant girl needs some help!!


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