Praise the Lord.  Thank you Jesus. 

Christ is the reason for the season. If there was not Christ. There would be no Christ-mas. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!! 
Karen Carter 
Class of '74

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Rhonda Partain <[log in to unmask]> 

Ben is home, the surgery went well.  It was done under local  anesthetic so he was glad he wasn’t  put to sleep, that seems to disagree with him.  He has to stay off of the foot for a month, will use a wheelchair, he seems to be feeling ok, a little tired but so far no pain, or  maybe just a little.  He doesn’t have much feeling in his feet anymore due to the diabetes.
We appreciate your prayers.
I have my exams tomorrow, pray I have good recall…I am just tired and want this semester over.  
It’s good I don’t have summer classes, I can take care of my Ben and help him feel better.
Take care all!
Rhonda Partain

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