When you fill like Jesus is the farthest away, that is when he is the closest.  Have you ever heard the poem of the foosteps.  The picture shows one set of footsteps.  The person thinks it is theirs but the peom tells how there is only one set because Jesus is carrying the person.  I know sometimes when we really want something and think we need it, that is when it fills like Jesus is not listening but he is.  Just trust in him and know that He knows what he is doing just keep crying to him.  ASAP  As Soon As Possible Pray,    Pray pray pray pray..  Even if you just keep saying Jesus Jesus Jesus.  

Father in Heaven you say to seek and we shall find ask and it shall be given.  We are seeking your confort and love, and we are asking for answers to our prayers.  And we thank you Lord for doing this for Marijean right Now.  Thank you Jesus for giving her the peace that passes all understanding and letting her know you love her and you are holding her right now let her fill your arms around her.  Thank you Jesus.  In your precious name we pray  Amen

Christ is the reason for the season. If there was not Christ. There would be no Christ-mas. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!! 
Karen Carter 
Class of '74

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: MariJean <[log in to unmask]> 

> Is there anyone awake out here? I need someone to talk to. 
> I feel so distant from THE LORD that my prayers don't even leave 
> me. I feel like I am in the desert, alone, lost, very lost. My mind 
> is bombarded with shadows, slippery little lizzards that wiggle 
> across the surface of my thoughts, only to slide back into their 
> holes. I feel abandoned, tired, wretched, as if I don't count. 
> I have a man who I am growing to deeply care for and I doubt whether 
> he feels the same. I want everything to work out NOW NOW NOW! 
> Virgie, if you get this, write me back and tell me what you do during 
> periods like this. I need ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!! 
> purple Mari, I suppose